Funding for MST Programs: Virginia



How to find funding for MST programs in Virginia

One of the major questions that communities and organizations have when planning to implement Multisystemic Therapy (MST) programs is how to fund them. This information page will give you guidance on potential funding sources. It is important to note that to sustain an MST program over time, we suggest securing more than one source of funding. To begin, download these resources:


Youth in Virginia: Fast Facts 

  • Virginia spends more than $170,000 to incarcerate one youth for a year.1
  • The Virginia Department of Justice spends $15 on youth incarceration for every $1 spent on community-based services (DJJ 2016).1
  • During State Fiscal Year 2018, there were 55,255 children reported as possible victims of abuse or neglect in Virginia.2

1 Urban Institute Report 2016
Virginia Department of Social Services 2018

Juvenile Justice 

MST offers an alternative juvenile delinquency prevention program. Instead of sending teens out of the community, therapists work in the home, addressing the root causes of anti-social behavior. Your state juvenile justice department may offer to fund MST programs. 

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Child Welfare

In addition to standard MST, Multisystemic Therapy- Building Strong Families (MST-BSF) is an evidence-based treatment and child welfare program for families involved with child protective services (CPS) due to co-occurring parental substance abuse and physical abuse and/ or neglect of a child. 

Departments in this field may be able to assist with funding. 

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Medicaid funding has emerged as an important part of the MST landscape and is playing a critical role in the financial sustainability of many MST programs across the United States.

Right now, the state of Virginia does not have a Medicaid code for MST. However, you may advocate for one by using some of our resources. For more information on Medicaid and how MST Saves Money for Medicaid, click here. 

Covering MST likely includes amending the state Medicaid plan, activating the CMS-approved Multisystemic Therapy HCPCS Code (H2033) and establishing both a rate and service description that will enable the effective delivery of MST.

Click here for Request for Proposal (RFP) Information. 

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Alternative Departments

Multisystemic Therapy has a comprehensive suite of services, and some focused departments may be able to provide funding. For example, we offer intensive substance abuse interventions, so other departments in your state may be a great source. 

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Foundations, Philanthropic Organizations, and Grants

Because MST has such a positive effect on communities and families, several organizations dedicated to empowering communities may be willing to help grow the presence of MST programs. Many of these organizations also offer grants. 

For those interested in assistance with Request For Proposal (RFP) development, please refer to the MST RFP Template link below. This file is helpful when writing an RFP for an MST program as it contains the elements that should be included in the RFP for MST.

Download the RFP Template


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