MST’s Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program

A family and home-based treatment that strives to decrease juvenile delinquency and incarceration by empowering youth and families to function in their natural environments.


Multisystemic Therapy (MST)

Ecological Model 2018For adolescents involved in the juvenile justice system, it can often feel like a highway with only one exit ramp: incarceration. MST offers an alternative juvenile delinquency prevention program. Instead of sending teens out of the community, therapists work in the home, addressing the root causes of anti-social behavior.

MST is an evidence-based juvenile delinquency program that empowers youth (ages 12-17) and their families to function responsibly over the long term. MST reduces juvenile delinquency and antisocial behavior by addressing the core causes of such conduct—and views the client as a network of systems including family, peers, school, and neighborhood.

Therapists have small caseloads and are on-call 24/7—providing services in the home at times convenient to the family. The average length of treatment is between 3 and 5 months, and therapists and provider agencies are held accountable for achieving change and positive outcomes.

The primary goals of MST’s juvenile delinquency prevention program:

  • Reducing youth criminal activity

  • Reducing other types of anti-social behavior such as drug abuse

  • Achieving these outcomes at a cost savings by decreasing rates of incarceration and out-of-home placement.

MST is Scientifically Proven to Transform the Lives of Juvenile Offenders

54% Fewer Rearrests

Over 14 Years

75% Fewer Violent Felony Arrests

Over 22 Years

54% Fewer Out of Home Placements

Median Across All Studies


Learn what makes MST such an effective intervention for juvenile delinquency, download our report